Backup data between cloud drives

With the help of MultCloud, you can not only link one cloud to another, but also migrate, sync or backup data between cloud drives. Instead of downloading and re-uploading, you can directly backup your game, music, video, documents and any other files from one cloud to another. You can also set up “Scheduled Cloud Transfer” or “Scheduled Cloud Sync” to simply sync, transfer or backup data between cloud drives at a regular interval or on a special timing.

What can cloud to cloud backup help you with?

Google Drive and Dropbox are both popular online cloud storage services, and quite a lot of people save data on both of them. Tired of logging in each account every time and manage the files on two different clouds, many people ask: “Is there a way to backup Dropbox to Google Drive? Or other the way around?”. Now we have the solution --- MultCloud. MultCloud have provided 8 different available options to sync or backup data between clouds. For instance, if you select “Full Backup Sync”, all files will be backed up from one cloud to another. And if you select “Incremental Sync”, only the files that have been changed or new added will be backed up. With all these custom options of cloud to cloud backup, you’ll find how easy it can be to backup data between cloud drives.

How to backup data between cloud drives?

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Supported Cloud Drives

MultCloud supports Dropbox, OwnCloud, WebDAV, Google Drive, MEGA, etc. all almost 30 cloud drives. These clouds are popular and safe cloud storages which gain large number of users all over the world.

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